Thursday, March 8th marks International Women’s Day, an event
marked in churches, civil society organizations and communities in Pakistan to
celebrate progress in moving towards gender justice, especially in political,
social, economic and religious life.
The event is also being marked here in Oikoumene Center, Lahore,
organized special prayer to acknowledge achievements of Ecumenical Commission
for Human Development in the area of “Gender Justice” and to celebrate their
struggles together as a community of women and men.
James Rehmat, Executive Director, Ecumenical Commission for
Human Development also quoted during his address that "When God Created
man and women, He was thinking, Who shall I give the power to, to give birth to
the next human being? And God choose woman and this is the big evidence that
women are powerful".
Gender Justice is an essential part of being an ecumenical organization,
support faith communities end practices that are very harmful to women and
young girls, work with churches, civil society organizations, government line
departments and communities to overcome hate, discrimination and violence,
educates young girls and women on their fundamental rights and networking with
churches to fight against gender imbalance.
On this International Women’s Day, Ecumenical commission for Human
Development endorses our commitment to Gender Justice and call to action for
accelerating gender parity among our partners and communities.